परंडा तालुक्यातील अधिकृत प्रशिक्षण केंद्र " डी आय आय टी एज्युकेशनल इन्स्टिट्यूट " होय.
ग्रामीण व शहरी भागातील विद्यार्थ्यांना संगणक प्रशिक्षण देणे व साक्षर करणे हाच ध्यास होय.
GCC-TBC stands for Government Certificate in Computer Typing Basic Course. It is a typing course that is recognized by the Government of Maharashtra and Goa
. The course is designed to help students learn and improve their typing skills in English, Marathi, and Hindi languages
The course includes six chapters: Computer Fundamentals, Operating System, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Internet and Email
. The course is offered by various institutes in Maharashtra and Goa
The course is also available online
. The GCC-TBC exam is conducted by the Maharashtra State Council of Examinations
. The exam is conducted in English, Marathi, and Hindi languages
. The exam is conducted twice a year, in July and December
. The exam consists of two semesters: the first semester is from January to June, and the second semester is from July to December
. The exam is conducted for 30 and 40 words per minute
. The exam is conducted in various centers across Maharashtra and Goa

The Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) is a basic level IT literacy program for the common man. It is designed to impart a basic level IT literacy program for the common man. The course is recognized by the Government of Maharashtra and Goa1. The course is designed to give an opportunity to the common man to attain computer literacy thereby contributing to increased and speedy PC penetration in different walks of life1. The course is offered by various institutes in Maharashtra and Goa1. The course is also available online1. The course includes six chapters: Computer Fundamentals, Operating System, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Internet and Email1. The total duration of the course is 80 hours, consisting of i) Theory 30 hours ii) Practicals 60 hours1. The candidates can appear in the NIELIT CCC Examination through following three modes and the eligibility criteria for each mode are indicated against each:
- Candidates sponsored by NIELIT approved Institutes permitted to conduct CCC Course - irrespective of any educational qualifications.
- Candidates sponsored by Government recognized Schools/Colleges having obtained a Unique Identity number from NIELIT for conducting CCC - irrespective of any educational qualifications.
- Direct Applicants (without essentially undergoing the Accredited Course or without being sponsored by a Govt. recognised School/College) -irrespective of any educational qualification1. The examination for the certificate course will be conducted by the NIELIT (formerly DOEACC Society) as per the calendar of events given on their website1.
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